Labels:bulletin board | daily | encyclical | fence | sky OCR: of spin The virtual particle/antiparticle pa nergy and1/2 and 3/2 would have negative sitive so would tend to cancel out the po pairs energy of the spin and .0 virtu ible This would cause many of the poss uspected infinities to cancel out, but it was ain that some infinities might still rem to find However the calculations require infinities out whether or not there were any ifficult left uncanceled were So long and take that no one was prepared to under them. Even with computer, wa years reckoned would take at least fou one and the chances were very high th robably would make at least one mistake the right mmore. So one would know one hat ted the answer only if someone else repea and calculation and got the same answ that did not seem very likely! energ reqwire undei reck coned more reDe ...